Blue Mars Audiobook | BooksCougar

Blue Mars Audiobook

Blue Mars Audiobook



Acclaimed visionary author Kim Stanley Robinson can be a Hugo and Nebula Award-winner. Blue Mars may be the final volume in Robinson’s seminal technology fiction trilogy which started with Crimson Mars and proceeds with Green Mars. The once reddish and barren surfaces of Mars is currently green and wealthy with life–plant, animal, and human being. But idyllic Mars is within circumstances of politics upheaval, plagued by violent turmoil between those who would keep the planet green and those who want to come back it to a desert globe. Meanwhile, over the void of space, outdated, tired Globe spins on its decaying axis. An all natural devastation threatens to drown the already much too polluted and overcrowded world. The folks of Earth are receiving desperate. Maybe eager enough to income interplanetary war for the chance to start again. Blue Mars is normally a complex and totally enthralling saga–as convincing and lushly thought another as anyone offers ever imagined. Richard Ferrone narrates this sweeping epic with interesting character and finesse.

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