Cat Among the Pigeons: A Hercule Poirot Mystery Audiobook | BooksCougar

Cat Among the Pigeons: A Hercule Poirot Mystery Audiobook

Cat Among the Pigeons: A Hercule Poirot Mystery Audiobook



Murder is part of the curriculum at an exclusive college for women in Agatha Christie’s Kitty Among the Pigeons, seeing that the intrepid Poirot pieces out to create a stealthy killer to justice.

Late one night time, two educators investigate a mysterious blinking light in the sports pavilion as the remaining school sleeps. There, among the lacrosse sticks, they come across the body of an unpopular video games mistress-shot through the center point-blank.

The school is thrown into chaos when the “cat” strikes again. Regrettably, schoolgirl Julia Upjohn knows too much. Specifically, she understands that without Hercule Poirot’s help, she’ll be another victim….

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