Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism Audiobook | BooksCougar

Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism Audiobook

Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism Audiobook



Capitalism as something has spawned deepening overall economy alongside its bought-and-paid-for political establishment. Neither acts the needs of our culture. Whether it’s secure, well-paid, and significant jobs or a lasting relationship with the natural environment that people depend on, our culture is not providing the results people want and deserve.

One key cause for this intolerable situation is the lack of genuine democracy in our economy aswell as inside our politics. The answer requires the institution of genuine economic democracy, starting with workers managing their own workplaces, as the foundation for a genuine political democracy.

Here Richard D. Wolff lays out a hopeful and concrete vision of steps to make that possible, addressing the many individuals who have concluded economic inequality and politics as normal can’t be tolerated and so are buying concrete program of action.

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