Eye of the Beholder Audiobook | BooksCougar

Eye of the Beholder Audiobook

Eye of the Beholder Audiobook



“See for yourself!” was the clarion contact from the 1600’s. Organic philosophers threw off the yoke of historic authority, peered at nature with microscopes and telescopes, and ignited the Scientific Revolution. Artists investigated nature with lens and created paintings filled with realistic effects of light and shadow. The hub of the optical invention was the tiny Dutch city of Delft. Right here Johannes Vermeer’s experiments with lenses and a camcorder obscura trained him how exactly we see under different conditions of light and helped him make one of the most luminous works of art ever beheld. Meanwhile, his neighbor Antoni truck Leeuwenhoek’s work with microscopes revealed a previously unimagined realm of minuscule animals. The results was a transformation in both art and technology the revolutionized how we see the globe today.

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