Galactic Pot-Healer Audiobook | BooksCougar

Galactic Pot-Healer Audiobook

Galactic Pot-Healer Audiobook



Sometimes also gods need help. In Galactic Pot-Healer that god can be an alien creature known as The Glimmung, which looks alternately just like a flaming steering wheel, a teenage woman, and a swirling mass of ocean life. In order to increase a sunken city, he summons beings from over the galaxy to Plowman’s World. Joe Fernwright can be one particular summoned, necessary for his abilities at pot-healing – fixing damaged ceramics. But from the moment Joe arrives on Plowman’s Planet, things begin to be fallible. Told as only Philip K. Dick can, Galactic Pot-Healer is normally a wildly funny story of aliens, gods, and ceramics.

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