Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods: The Temple of the Watchers and the Discovery of Eden Audiobook | BooksCougar

Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods: The Temple of the Watchers and the Discovery of Eden Audiobook

Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods: The Temple of the Watchers and the Discovery of Eden Audiobook



Built by the end from the last ice age, the mysterious stone temple complex of Göbekli Tepe in Turkey is one of the greatest problems to 21st hundred years archaeology. Just as much as 7,000 years over the age of the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge, its unusual buildings and rings of T-shaped monoliths-built with rocks weighing from 10 to 15 tons-show a level of class and artistic achievement unmatched before rise of the great civilizations from the ancient world, Sumer, Egypt, and Babylon.

about Gobekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods: The Temple from the Watchers as well as the Breakthrough of Eden

Chronicling his moves to Göbekli Tepe and surrounding sites, Andrew Collins points the layout, architecture, and exquisite relief carvings of snow age pets and human forms bought at this 12,000-year-old megalithic complex, now named the oldest stone architecture in the world. He explores how it had been built like a reaction to a global cataclysm-the Great Flood in the Bible-and points out how it served as a gateway and map towards the sky-world, the area of initial creation, reached with a bright celebrity in the constellation of Cygnus. He reveals those behind its construction as the Watchers from the Book of Enoch as well as the Anunnaki gods of Sumerian custom.

Unveiling Göbekli Tepe’s foundational role in the rise of civilization, Collins shows how it really is linked to humanity’s creation in the Garden of Eden and the secrets Adam handed to his son Seth, the founder of the angelic race called the Sethites. In his seek out Adam’s renowned Cave of Treasures, the author discovers your garden of Eden and the remains of the Tree of Life-in the same sacred area where Göbekli Tepe has been uncovered today.

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