Heaven Is Real Audiobook | BooksCougar

Heaven Is Real Audiobook

Heaven Is Real Audiobook



Just how should we spend our period on Earth? Don Piper, the Minister of Hope who spent 90 mins in Heaven, provides us God’s message.

Hope for the here and now from your multimillion-selling writer of 90 A few minutes in Heaven.

Millions believe in Heaven. Don Piper’s been there. He was pronounced lifeless after a vehicle accident on January 18, 1989. Ninety moments later, Piper returned to life with an extraordinary tale. His 90 A few minutes in Heaven provides strengthened the trust of countless people.

When about Heaven Is normally Real Piper returned to this existence, he had a long road back again to health, dealing with painful remedies and physical disabilities-the ‘fresh normal,’ as Piper phone calls it. Still, he previously been transformed spiritually and this allowed him not only to handle his suffering, but to transcend it. Piper found purpose in his pain, he found the message in the mess, therefore can other people who embraces God’s sophistication in the here and now-as well as the Hereafter.

Don Piper didn’t come back from Heaven alone-he brought the present of hope back again with him. Those that read Heaven Is certainly Real can use what he discovered to live the lives God provides called these to live.

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