Him & Me Audiobook | BooksCougar

Him & Me Audiobook

Him & Me Audiobook



Jack and Michael Whitehall perform their laugh-out-loud autobiography Him & Me as a unique dual voiced comedy audiobook, filled with ad-libs, asides, and comic dialogue to make a uniquely funny pay attention.

Jack and Michael open up the affluent and plentiful family members lore archives on topics such as for example Jack’s nanny’s enormous feet, Michael’s lifetime touchline ban from Jack’s prep-school and the Whitehall assortment of downright weird and eccentric family members. With family photographs and sketches by Jack himself, the result is a greatly entertaining insight right into a amusing and occasionally bumpy trip of self-discovery and in to the unique relationship between a father and a boy.

The devotees that adore and worship Jack port already are embracing his lovably grumpy father, who’s rather enjoying his newfound fame. Look out, fans of Reeves & Mortimer, Walliams & Lucas, Morecambe & Smart, there’s a new comedy duo in town.

This edition features an extra final chapter, recorded exclusively for Audible listeners.

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