Hurricane Punch Audiobook | BooksCougar

Hurricane Punch Audiobook

Hurricane Punch Audiobook



Welcome to another typical summer months in Florida, the growing season of the storms. Serge Storms.

That loveable, under-under-medicated dispenser of truth, justice, and trivia is back having a vengeance. And not a weirdness-laced minute too soon.

His cherished home state is going to take a defeating, and from a lot more than the way-too-routine conga line of hurricanes bearing down on the peninsula. Corpses have begun turning up at a troubling rate, also for Florida, and it appears like a brutal serial killer is about Hurricane Punch around the loose. Serge vows to stop at nothing at all in his juggernaut to make All Things Best…unless of course he gets bored or distracted with a cool souvenir or…or a…whatever.

But his path will not be obstacle free.

Agent Mahoney has found the scent. The obsessive legal profiler is convinced there is absolutely no second killer. Then there’s Coleman, whose triathlete approach to the activity of polyabuse binging just might derail the mission more than the complete police community put together. The pace picks up. Winds howl, Television reporters fly across the seaside, and questions support: Who’s stalking Tampa Bay’s most sensitive journalist? Perform multiple orgasms improve surprise tracking? How come the feeding-tube guy so quiet? Which ultimately leads to the most pressing issue on everyone’s new-millennium lips: What would Serge perform?

Performed by Oliver Wyman

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