In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness Audiobook | BooksCougar

In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness Audiobook

In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness Audiobook



**Unraveling Trauma in the torso, Brain and Mind—a Revolution in Treatment**

Within this culmination of his life’s work, Peter A. Levine pulls on his wide experience as a clinician, a student of comparative mind research, a stress scientist and an enthusiastic observer of the naturalistic pet world to describe the type and change of trauma in the torso, mind and psyche. Within an Unspoken Tone of voice is dependant on the idea that trauma is usually neither an illness nor a disorder, but instead an injury caused by fright, helplessness and reduction that may be healed by engaging our innate capability to self-regulate high claims of arousal and intense feelings. Enriched having a coherent theoretical platform and persuasive case good examples, the reserve elegantly blends the latest findings in biology, neuroscience and body-oriented psychotherapy showing that whenever we gather animal instinct and reason, we can are more whole humans.

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