Never Trust a Demon Audiobook | BooksCougar

Never Trust a Demon Audiobook

Never Trust a Demon Audiobook



The guidelines for demon slaying are simple.

The Second Guideline: Hardly ever trust a demon

…Unless Heaven tries to kill you.

It’s been four weeks because the birthday from Hell, and Lyn’s existence is finally finding back to regular. Or as regular as it can be for any P.I. with the ability to find demons. After that Sam comes back. It seems the wicked, sexy demon who stocks her spirit isn’t performed using her. Positive thing she’s motivated to get rid of him.

But when Heaven sends an angel to assassinate her, Lyn’s determination goes up in smoke. Sam offers security, but also for how long, and at what cost? And just why the heck will ‘The Big Man Upstairs’ want her dead?

Under no circumstances Trust a Demon may be the second publication in the Little girl of Eve series. If you like young, fresh urban fantasy having a kickass heroine, plenty of goofy comedy, and an elaborate paranormal romance, after that you’ll love this new book by award-winning author J.D. Brown.

Perfect for enthusiasts of Darynda Jones, Illona Andrews, and Izzy Displays.

Grab your copy, and start slaying today!

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