Nightwings Audiobook | BooksCougar

Nightwings Audiobook

Nightwings Audiobook



Robert Silverberg’s enduring classic about one man’s journeyto come across salvation for a planet in the brink of destruction.

“Roum is a city built on seven hills. They state it was acapital of man in one of the earlier cycles. I knew nothing of this, for my guildwas Watching, not Remembering.”

For a thousand years, mankind has lived beneath the threat ofinvasion from an alien race. Following the oceans rose and the continents werereshaped, people split into guilds-Musicians, Scribes, Merchants, Clowns, andmore. The Watchers wander the earth, scouring the skies for indicators of enemiesfrom the celebrities. But during one Watcher’s journey to the ancient city of Roumwith his companion, a Flier named Avluela, a moment of distraction enables theinvaders to advance. When the Watcher finally sounds the alarm, it’s too past due: the superstar folks are poised to conquer all.

And so using the world in turmoil, the Watcher pieces outalone for the Hall from the Rememberers, keepers of days gone by, where humanity’slast hope for survival might be hidden.

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