Scotland's Jesus: The Only Officially Non-racist Comedian Audiobook | BooksCougar

Scotland’s Jesus: The Only Officially Non-racist Comedian Audiobook

Scotland’s Jesus: The Only Officially Non-racist Comedian Audiobook



Reading Scotland’s Jesus should be like being called into the living area by your son or daughter shouting that they visit a little red dot on the head of a TV newscaster, then traveling the white hot bullet through the propaganda circuitry of his or her exploding brain.

It’s a funny publication about the news headlines, partly because it was decided a pornographic publication about Scottish Self-reliance wouldn’t really offer. In chapters ranging from International Politics to the Animal Globe, ‘Scotland’s Jesus’ is usually allowed the opportunity to showcase his progressively unsympathetic worldview and disintegrating psyche.

A torrent of jokes about latest events supply the framework for any broader philosophical despair. Frankie Boyle uses the stories of the popular press as a springboard to describe the type of truth and the details of our enslavement to mirthless corporate and business Warlocks.

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