Seeing Green: Don't Let Envy Color Your Joy Audiobook | BooksCougar

Seeing Green: Don’t Let Envy Color Your Joy Audiobook

Seeing Green: Don’t Let Envy Color Your Joy Audiobook



DON’T ALLOW the Shadow of Envy Color Your Pleasure

You understand that feeling, not? That heart sting when someone else receives the thing you desire. When your best friend announces her engagement. When your sister says she’s pregnant. Whenever your coworker has got the advertising. You tell yourself you’re happy on her behalf, but something casts a shadow. That something is usually envy.

Imagine if, in those moments, you were able to turn away from the green glow of envy, and see the limelight of God’s glory glimmer on your own friend? What if your first response was joy?

Join Tilly Dillehay as she uncovers seven common resources of envy and issues you to change the way you consider God’s glory. In doing this, become familiar with to rejoice with others, you will experience higher contentment, and you’ll learn how to truly like your neighbor as yourself.

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