Social Security Works! Audiobook | BooksCougar

Social Security Works! Audiobook

Social Security Works! Audiobook



An evergrowing chorus of prominent voices in Congress and somewhere else are calling for the expansion of our Public Security system-people who understand that Public Security will not “go broke” and does not add a cent to the national debt. Sociable Security Functions! will amplify these voices and provide a robust antidote to the three-decade-long, billionaire-funded advertising campaign to create us believe that this essential institution can be destined to collapse. It isn’t.In the Silent Generation to SENIORS, from about Social Security Works! Era X to Millennials and Generation Z, most of us possess a stake in understanding the true story about Public Security. Essential to handling the looming retirement crisis which will affect two-thirds of today’s workers, Sociable Security is a robust program that can help prevent the collapse of the center class, lessen the pressure squeezing households from all directions, and help end the upward redistribution of prosperity that has led to perilous levels of inequality.All Americans deserve to have dignified retirement years aswell as an umbrella to protect them and their families in the event of disability or premature death. Sure to be a game-changer, Public Security Functions! cogently presents the problems and models forth both an agenda and a politics strategy that may benefit people. On the line are our ideals and the type of country we wish for ourselves and for all those that follow.

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