Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Invincible Audiobook | BooksCougar

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Invincible Audiobook

Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Invincible Audiobook



No war can last forever. Today, in the lengthy and punishing battle between your defiant champions of the brand new Jedi Order as well as the juggernaut that is the Galactic Alliance, the endgame can be finally at hand.

The rebel cause is losing ground beneath the twin blows of Admiral Gilad Pellaeon’s assassination as well as the death of Mara Jade Skywalker. At exactly the same time, the Galactic Alliance, with the outstanding power and dark brilliance of newly ascendant Sith Lord Darth Caedus at its helm, could be unstoppable..Read More about Star Wars: Legacy of the Pressure: Invincible Tormented and torn between the call of duty and the thirst for vengeance, Luke has searched the Force and beheld an unspeakable eyesight of the galaxy enslaved less than tyranny even more monstrous than even Palpatine’s. Now it seems that the last, best hope is based on mobilizing the dispersed Jedi for one decisive search-and-destroy mission. The target: get rid of Darth Caedus.

It’s a plan which will be as difficult and dangerous to execute as it is daring. For Caedus can be a scion of both Skywalker and Single bloodlines whose command of the Pressure surpasses actually that of his grandfather Darth Vader. There is only one who can be bound by future to stand against him in exactly what will certainly be a duel to the death, only 1 with another possibility of decreasing the dark lord who was simply once Jacen Solo.

The furious final moments between power and peace are here, and whoever confronts Darth Caedus will decide the outcome-and the fate of these left standing.

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