The 33 Strategies of War Audiobook | BooksCougar

The 33 Strategies of War Audiobook

The 33 Strategies of War Audiobook



The contemporary companion to Sun-tzu’s The Art of War, this excellent distillation from the strategies of war might help us gain mastery in the modern world.<

Spanning world civilizations, synthesizing a large number of political, philosophical, and religious texts and a large number of many years of violent discord, this is a thorough guide to getting ahead and remaining there.

Each chapter outlines a strategy that may help you win your life’s wars. Find out the unpleasant strategies that want you to about The 33 Strategies of War maintain the effort and work out from a posture of strength, and the defensive strategies that let you respond to dangerous situations and avoid situations where winning is impossible.<

As in The 48 Laws of Power, Robert Greene uses illustrative illustrations from background: Lyndon Johnson’s tenacity, Julius Caesar’s decisiveness, Joan Crawford’s refusal to compromise, Ted Williams’s competitive drive, and the folly and genius of everybody from Napoleon to Margaret Thatcher, Shaka the Zulu to Ulysses S. Grant. Great warriors of the battlefield as well as the drawing room demonstrate prudence, agility, balance, and relaxed. The logical, resourceful, and user-friendly always beat the panicked, uncreative, and stupid.

Informed from the most ingenious and effective military principles in battle, The 33 Strategies provides all of the psychological ammunition you will need to overcome patterns of failure and forever gain top of the hand.

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