The Hotwife Hooker: A Hotwife Fairytale Audiobook | BooksCougar

The Hotwife Hooker: A Hotwife Fairytale Audiobook

The Hotwife Hooker: A Hotwife Fairytale Audiobook



Jennifer does not have any idea how her existence will change when she discovers some racy hotwife films and books. Instantly she’s obsessed with becoming a hotwife! But things get way out of control when her spouse uneasily suggests she pretend to be a hooker and he’ll end up being her anxious john. Instead of meeting him as planned, why offers she taken off with three huge black men?

~~~~~ PG Excerpt ~~~~~

I’d stopped inside a bar for a drink after falling Jennifer off on a street part and driving around. I’d actually viewed about The Hotwife Hooker: A Hotwife Fairytale several innings of a baseball game on the TV behind the club, above the liquor containers.

I couldn’t concentrate on anything. All I possibly could consider was Jennifer, dressed such as a whore, on the street with a female called Mercedes. Who certainly was a whore.

What had I done? I’d put my partner, the mother of our child, on the road looking like she was a hooker. What was wrong with me? Had I dropped my mind?

I had been in agony. My stomach hurt, my heart was racing, and I experienced like nausea. I began to experience faint as well as the bartender strolled to me.

“Are you alright, friend?” he asked. “Do you need anything?”

I actually tried to response him but present my throat seemed paralyzed.

“Let me get you a ginger ale,” he offered. “Perform you need me to contact anybody?” I gulped the soda and shook my head no.

“I’m just upset,” I finally got out. “I believe I did something really stupid. We are playing a little game and she’s “Beneath the Bridge” having a hooker.”

“Friend,” he stood back and stared at me personally. “You better move obtain her. She’s not safe, especially if she’s with one of the girls. Many of them come in right here, and I even just like a few, but I wouldn’t trust them with anything important. Especially not my wife.”

I had been frozen with fear, it was as though everything stood still for an instant. I was staring at the bartender, who wasn’t shifting. The people around me acquired frozen in place, their drinks halfway to their mouths, some individuals in midstride. Nothing moved.

Suddenly, the world became animated once again. Everybody was moving again, but they had been moving at twice the quickness they’d been shifting before. Voices sounded like cartoon heroes. The bartender relocated from me at acceleration, spoken to a cocktail waitress for what seemed like a second, and blended two drinks prior to the clock could tick once again.

I figured I owed a bit more than five dollars, but We left a twenty wedged under my glass, and bolted for the door. I forced past people, men yelled at me and a female squealed.

Out on the street I actually rushed toward “Under the Bridge” before keeping in mind the car and turned around, getting individuals behind me off guard. Once again, men and women yelled, but I was operating toward the car parking lot and nobody cared to provide chase. Viewing and hearing the commotion, people scattered before me.

The lot was in sight after i fell to my knees and slid before hitting my head on the pavement.

“Are you all right?” a woman asked. I barely glanced at her before I used to be up and running again. I used my handkerchief to clean bloodstream from my forehead, right now there appeared to be a lot of it.

I couldn’t find the car!

“That which was happening to Jennifer? I love her a lot.” I used to be gasping for breathing. “I am so, so, so extremely stupid.”

I mentally defeat myself unmercifully, before forcing my brain to calm so I could find the car. I wasn’t doing my wife any good like this.

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