The Locker Room Audiobook | BooksCougar

The Locker Room Audiobook

The Locker Room Audiobook



Xander Karcek has only wanted two things in his life: Christian Edwards and basketball-the man he loves and the game that let him get away a childhood he’d rather forget. His two obsessions possess offered him well. He and Chris beat the odds and stayed together through high school, college, and directly on towards the NBA.

But lifestyle under fame’s microscope isn’t easy, particularly when two men are pretending to be frat-buddies so the world doesn’t understand they’re the next best thing to married. Their relationship survives the sacrifices they make and the is situated they tell to remain together, however when their secret is normally revealed, the fallout might demolish them when nothing at all else could.

Chris and basketball are the a couple of things holding Xander together. Right now the world is definitely asking Xander to produce a choice. Will there be an option which includes another with the man he loves?

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