The Merchant of Venice Audiobook | BooksCougar

The Merchant of Venice Audiobook

The Merchant of Venice Audiobook



Another in the great Caedmon Shakespeare series from the 1960s. Though categorized being a comedy in the First Folio and sharing certain factors with Shakespeare’s additional romantic comedies, the play could very well be most remembered for its dramatic moments, and is best known for Shylock and the famous ‘pound of flesh’ conversation.

Shylock, a greedy Jewish money-lender, provides lost his much loved child when she elopes with a man who have belongs to a virulently anti-Semitic society. Shylock seeks a literal ‘pound of flesh’ through the Merchant of Venice – Antonio when he does not pay the debt. Portia defends Antonio from Shylock’s legal match. Shylock ends by renouncing his trust and his fortune.

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