The Mueller Report: The Leaked Investigation into President Donald Trump and His Inner Circle of Con Men, Circus Clowns, and Children He Named After Himself Audiobook | BooksCougar

The Mueller Report: The Leaked Investigation into President Donald Trump and His Inner Circle of Con Men, Circus Clowns, and Children He Named After Himself Audiobook

The Mueller Report: The Leaked Investigation into President Donald Trump and His Inner Circle of Con Men, Circus Clowns, and Children He Named After Himself Audiobook



The president has gotten himself right into a bit of trouble.

Maybe you noticed?

The complete country is waiting to find out what former FBI director and current unique counsel Robert Mueller has dug through to previous mail-order steak salesman and current US president Donald Trump. The wait around is over—type of—using the publication of The Mueller Report by Jason O. Gilbert.

Leaked by an anonymous and vengeful White House source who goes only with the mysterious code name “Melania T.,” The Mueller Statement is definitely a about The Mueller Report: The Leaked Analysis into Chief executive Donald Trump and His Internal Group of Con Males, Circus Clowns, and Children He Called After Himself amusing inventory from the dirt, dirt, and Big Mac pc crumbs that this special counsel offers collected on Chief executive Trump during his a few months of investigation. Filled with interview transcripts, intercepted phone calls, incriminating email messages, text exchanges, ALL-CAPS TRUMP TWEETS WITH SPELING ERRORS, and even more, it whisks visitors from the leaky White House to an even leakier Ritz-Carlton hotel room in Moscow, from Donald Trump Jr.’s covert ending up in Russians in Trump Tower to Michael Cohen’s key sale of a Trump Tower apartment to a shell corporation called Oligarch LLC. And, for the first time, you’ll find out what actually happened in that Moscow hotel room between Donald Trump and two well-hydrated Russian escorts. Bring an umbrella!

Unlike the Trump presidency, The Mueller Report is indeed much fun you received’t want to buy to end. Read it immediately, while books remain legal in America!

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