The Unusual Science and Technology Five Books Bundle Audiobook | BooksCougar

The Unusual Science and Technology Five Books Bundle Audiobook

The Unusual Science and Technology Five Books Bundle Audiobook



This is an extremely eclectic and fascinating bundle of five books on Technology and Technology all in one volume.

Upcoming Predictions by an Engineer and Seer. This publication does a thoroughly researched analysis of current developments in science, technology, and public dynamics. After that three elements of craze projections, paradigm change estimations, and intuition are used to project what culture will be like out to 1000 years in the foreseeable future.

Aliens and Secret Technology-A Theory of the Hidden Truth

Is there key about The Unusual Research and Technology Five Books Bundle technology which the United States federal government is keeping key about anti-gravity and possible about zero stage energy. This publication reviews the annals of top secret technology projects back again to the Nazis in Globe Battle Two, and what our federal government has likely created since then.

Designing and Building Space Colonies-A Blueprint for the Future-What is our probable future about building colonies in space? What technology will be needed? What technology in the International Space Place can also assist with developing space habitats? And what does the far upcoming hold for space habitats?

On Using the Scientific Solution to Research the Paranormal-This is my initial publication written in the year 2000, nonetheless it still has some essential observations about the limitations of the scientific method, the scale of believability and much more.

The 10 Concepts of Personal Durability & Personal Freedom-I developed these principles after five many years of research into longevity. Records of many people who lived well into their 100s as well as over 200 years. When your home is by these concepts you have a good chance of living decades much longer than normal lifestyle expectancies.

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