This Is Your Brain on Anxiety: What Happens and What Helps Audiobook | BooksCougar

This Is Your Brain on Anxiety: What Happens and What Helps Audiobook

This Is Your Brain on Anxiety: What Happens and What Helps Audiobook



Anxiety-it’s the worst type of: choking, stifling, smothering, tingling, panicking, brain cutting out, poor decisions. You’re a individual, so you understand exactly what’s becoming said here. Dr. Beliefs lays everything out: what stress is, what it’s good for-that’s right, it’s actually a required response that helps to keep us alive in poor situations-how to know when it’s eliminated overboard, and practical tips on how to deal with it when it gets bad. This book is certainly a lifesaver for panic attacks, breaking out of flight-or-fight-or-freeze reactions, and for persistent anxiety. It is also good for folks who aren’t daily burdened by stress and anxiety, but want to raised cope with those challenging situations that have an effect on us all. Browse this and inhale!

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