Total Eclipse of the Heart Audiobook | BooksCougar

Total Eclipse of the Heart Audiobook

Total Eclipse of the Heart Audiobook



Her first time on CD, NY Times bestselling Queen of erotica, Zane, delivers a long-awaited new book about two lovers whose lives intersect in surprising methods after one of the men helps you to save both females from a car crash.

Brooke Alexander is deeply in love with among Washington, D.C.’s most prominent lawyers. Patrick is anything that dreams are constructed of, or so it seems. 1 day, Patrick could be adoring and supportive, the next, demeaning and upset at the world.

Damon Johnson continues to be married to about Total Eclipse from the Heart his wife, Carleigh, for four years. He’s compassionate, honest, and worships the ground that she walks on. But Carleigh treats Damon just like a trophy, enabling her friends to salivate over him and disrespect their happy home. Damon offers dreams beyond his six-figure corporate and business work and Carleigh goodies his life dreams just like a joke. Her selfish nature makes Damon wonder if he made the proper decision when he asked for her hand in relationship.

A tragic event forces Brooke and Damon to become part of every other’s lives. Through the darkest of times, they discover the courage, strength and perseverance to find the true signifying of unconditional love when, jointly, they experience a total eclipse from the heart.

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