When God Whispers Your Name Audiobook | BooksCougar

When God Whispers Your Name Audiobook

When God Whispers Your Name Audiobook



Are you ready to hope again? Are you set to let go of doubt and sorrow? Just listen cautiously. God is whispering your name.

Somewhere, between your pages of this book and the pages of your heart, God is speaking. And He is phoning you by name.

Maybe that’s really difficult to believe. Maybe you just can’t imagine that the One who managed to get all feels of you that personally — that He helps to keep your name on His heart and lips.

But it’s true. In the Bible and in the conditions of your life, He whispers your about When God Whispers Your Name name lovingly. Tenderly. Patiently but persistently. Let these stories remind you from the God who knows your name.

Some of the stories are in the Bible. Some are attracted from everyday routine. The majority are about folks who are lost … or weary … or discouraged — like everyone else might be. If you allow them, they will tell the storyplot of your life. And the story of a God who talks into your position.

So listen carefully as you turn these pages. Pay attention for the Father’s mild whisper that can erase your doubt, your sorrow, your weariness, your despair.

It truly is your name that you hear, and the Tone of voice that phone calls is more loving that your ever dared fantasy. Listen. And figure out how to hope again.

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