Why I Am Not a Christian Audiobook | BooksCougar

Why I Am Not a Christian Audiobook

Why I Am Not a Christian Audiobook



Dedicated as few men have been to the life of reason, Bertrand Russell is definitely concerned with the essential questions to which religion also addresses itself-questions about man’s put in place the universe and the nature of the good life, questions that involve life after death, morality, freedom, education, and sexual ethics. He brings to his treatment of these questions the same courage, scrupulous logic, and lofty knowledge for which his other are philosopher, writer, and teacher continues to be famous. These characteristics make the essays included in this collection perhaps the most graceful and moving presentation from the freethinker’s placement since the times of Hume and Voltaire. Whether listeners share or reject Bertrand Russell’s sights, they will find this publication an invigorating problem to create notions, a masterly declaration of the philosophical placement, and a natural joy to hear. This collection continues to be edited, with Lord Russell’s full approval and co-operation, by Teacher Paul Edwards of the Philosophy Department of NY University.

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