You Are What You Believe: Simple Steps to Transform Your Life Audiobook | BooksCougar

You Are What You Believe: Simple Steps to Transform Your Life Audiobook

You Are What You Believe: Simple Steps to Transform Your Life Audiobook



You Are What You Believe

Simple Steps to Transform YOUR DAILY LIFE

We all have times in our lives when the outcomes of our behavior are not meeting our needs. These shortfalls may bring about depression, anger, disappointment, and relationship struggles, among a host of feasible symptoms. It frequently seems tough to visit a very clear path out of the problems. Even when we try to switch our behavior, it generally does not stick—before we realize it we’re back where we started.

In this new book, Hyrum Smith about You Are EVERYTHING YOU Believe: EASY STEPS to Transform YOUR DAILY LIFE does a couple of things that are invaluable to people who wish to make their lives less painful. First, he reveals, through a definite and simple model, how we get to the stage where our behaviors trigger these kinds of problems. Then, with a simplicity that is impressive in itself, he represents the steps we must take to determine and rectify the values resulting in our unpleasant behavior.

Through the use of the truth Model and the concept of the Belief Window, illustrated through humorous anecdotes and a powerful experience at a higher school, Smith not merely lays out the intellectual framework of his approach but draws you in emotionally aswell. If you are carried out, you will agree with him that the answer to our problems is simple. It isn’t easy, but it is simple.

The result is a robust process for transforming your behaviors and relationships and achieving long lasting personal and career success.

“Read You Are EVERYTHING YOU Believe and change the results you’re getting within an area of your life that’s not working. Thanks a lot, Hyrum, for posting the simple truths inherent within your Reality Model. It will continue to change lives in my life.”

—through the foreword by Ken Blanchard, author of THE MAIN ONE Minute Manager®

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